Ancestry Library Edition

4000 W. Pratt Ave.
Lincolnwood, IL 60712
United States
Auto Repair Source allows you to search for information about your car’s parts, repair, and maintenance.
More than 390,000 biographies. Includes complete full text run of Biography Today and Biography Magazine as well as thousands of narrative biographies.
A companion to the Biography Reference Source database, this encompasses a rich selection of biographic titles, covering popular and important figures in business, film, history, music, politics, sports and more.
Designed for public libraries, thousands of books cover core subject areas as well as information on careers, health, sports, adventure, technology, life skills and more.
Brainfuse CollegeNow students succeed by connecting them with live tutors anytime, anywhere and it hosts online meetings for peer-to-peer learning.
Brainfuse HelpNow helps students succeed by connecting them with live tutors anytime, anywhere, and it hosts online meetings for peer-to-peer learning.
Brainfuse JowNow helps job seekers succeed by connecting them with qualified job coaches anytime, anywhere, and JobNow hosts online meetings for peer-to-peer learning.
Brainfuse VetNow helps veterans succeed by connecting them with qualified Veteran Navigators, tutors, and job coaches anytime, anywhere and VetNow hosts online meetings for peer-to-peer learning.
This database provides full-text coverage of top business, management and economics journals and periodicals. These valuable publications cover topics such as accounting, banking, finance, international business, marketing, sales and more.
Designed for academic institutions. Comprehensive, multi-disciplinary resource of scholarly
research. Coverage on a wide range of topics. Includes peer-reviewed full text resources for
From the National Agricultural Library. Contains citations about all aspects of agriculture and related fields.
Provides information on complementary, holistic, and integrated approaches to healthcare and wellness. Sources include journals (some peer-reviewed) and reports.
This groundbreaking collection includes over 6,000 high-quality e-books on the topic of diversity, equity, and inclusion.