Join us in January and February for our annual Lincolnwood Reads Reading Program where our community comes together to read the same book in hopes of gaining a deeper sense of community, enjoying life, and having fun.


Participate by reading this year’s selection, The Fun Habit by Mike Rucker. Copies of the book are available for check out at the Library or online on Libby.

Want to share The Fun Habit with the children in your family? Earn tickets to enter into prize drawings by checking out books from the themed display in the Youth & Teen Services area, and attending select programs.

Attend select Lincolnwood Reads events. Look for the specially marked events on posters and in the printed newsletter. We have events for adults as well as kids and teens.

Participate in Lincolnwood Reads activities to earn tickets for prize drawings. Claim one ticket by visiting the Adult Services Reference Desk after reading the book. Earn an additional ticket for every Lincolnwood Reads program you attend. Kids, teens, and families can earn tickets by visiting the Youth & Teen Services Desk, Available prizes include:
- Chicago Botanic Garden Household Plus Membership
- AMC Movie Theatres A-LIST Membership
- Shedd Aquarium Family Membership
- First Ascent All Access Membership
- Lilstreet Art Center Class Certificate
As part of our celebration for Lincolnwood Reads we are hosting our first-ever Bookmark Design Contest. A winner will be selected from four age groups and have their winning design professionally printed into bookmarks that will be available at the Library for all to take and enjoy. Pick up an entry form in-person, in our current newsletter, or by downloading a copy online. Entries are due to the main desk by the end of the day on January 31st.