Age 18+ - parents can check out for your kids/teens
This Nintendo Switch console can be checked out to play pre-loaded physical cartridge Switch games at home or on the go.
- Nintendo Switch console/screen
- 2 Joy-con controllers
- 2 wrist straps
- Grip controller dock
- HDMI cable
- Switch dock
- USB-C power adapter
- Leg strap adapter
- Case
You can check out one video game console at a time - choose wisely!
Use the included wrist straps to avoid accidentally throwing the Joy-con controllers while being hand-held.
Do not modify accounts on the Nintendo Switch.
Do not modify content that has been pre-loaded on the Switch.
All Library of Things items must be picked up and returned to the Ask Us Desk for Adult Services staff to process. Do not place Library of Things items in the parking lot or lobby drop box. Do not return these items to the Checkout desk.